Ancient Ayurveda
Ayurveda “The Science of Life”
(Image via: Pinterest)
Clothing impacts our everyday in more ways than just how we look.
This sounds like a fairly new concept, however it has been practiced for centuries through sacred Ayurvedic traditions. Ayurvedic practices follow the 7000 year old scripts of the vedas.
‘It is a system of holistic medicine that encompasses the entire universe..nature, the body, mind and spirit. This ancient science guides us on how to live in harmony with nature and with our own specific human nature.’ (Dylan Smith, Vital Veda)
The entirety of the tactile universe is composed of combinations of the 5 elements.
The body is essentially inseparable from this. Fundamentally and intrinsically, we are inseparable from nature.
It is believed in Ayurveda that every being has a unique makeup of these elements. Collectively known as the Doshas, they are:
Vata: Air + Ether. Embodies the energy of movement.
Pitta: Fire + Water. Represents the energy of transformation.
and Kapha: Water + Earth. Lends to structure, cohesiveness and solidity.
Ayurveda is believed to bring your body back to its most natural alignment in this sense. To live in harmony with the balance of nature.
In sanskrit, the process of dying fabric is known as ‘ayurvastra’. Meaning healthy clothing.
The practice of dyeing clothing with healing natural material allows for a healing process to occur through cloth coming in contact with our skin. The benefits of this are used to cure, but also to prevent disease, suffering and illness.
The skin is the bodies largest organ, and it soaks up the essence of whatever it comes into contact with. There is space for huge potential regarding wellness, if we were to pay considered attention to what we are putting on our skin.
By bringing this ancient technique into the practices of today, we can eradicate workers health damage as a result of handling dangerous chemicals,. No more rivers and bodies of water will be poisoned,
and Mother Earth will be given a much deserved chance to regenerate.
This is the only one solution of many as we head into a sustainable future.
Let’s take the steps in that direction with ease, before we are forced to.
Soltyslabel is exploring switching all fabric dyes for pigmented Ayurvedic herbs.